From a young age, I played soccer, and through the years, I have also played basketball, field hockey, football. Yes, you read football, and yes, I was the only girl. I can remember all my coaches by name. George, Tracy, Spiro, Rob, Dad… They have forever left an impact on my life. I could tell you what each of them showed me, and it was more than the technicalities of the sport. It was the living example they lived that I hold onto.


As I grew up, I was surrounded by people to assist me in life. Yet, when the most critical roles came, I was left on my own in a sense. 


I had a lifelong dream of being a commercial airline pilot. Unfortunately, I found out in high school that I could not do that due to hearing loss since a child. Now what? I started looking through university and college magazines to “pick” what I would do for the rest of my life. As I think back, some of my reasons for choosing or not choosing a career make me cringe today. I would have benefited from having a career coach at that time in my life.


When I think of being married, I sure could have used more than one coach. I could have had a few coaches in this area. I could have saved myself and my husband a lot of heartaches.


When I became a parent, I thought it was crazy. When you get a vehicle, it comes with a manual. When I buy a fridge, I have a manual. I now have a life dependent on me, and they don’t come with a manual.


This past month I had a life-altering diagnosis of Celiacs disease. After being diagnosed, a Certified Flourishing Life Coach, Lori Friesen, stepped in with her knowledge to help me. 


There is a stark difference in my life when I have coaches in life’s critical times and roles. When I didn’t have a coach, I could have avoided a lot of pain and heartache. In addition, I would have saved a lot of money and time.


When I had a coach, I flourished in sports. So, likewise, I have thrived in my new Celiacs diagnosis because I have a coach and am surrounded by a supportive community.


Since overcoming those relationship challenges, I decided to use that experience to help others. The pain I went through has now become my purpose. I have over a decade of experience as a relationship coach.


Can you relate? When have you flourished in your life? When could you have used some extra help and support? Are there areas of your life right now that you are struggling with? 


Are you an overcomer, and now you can use your experience to help others?


Could you use a coach? Certified Flourishing Life Coach has coaches for the following areas:

  • Life
  • Leadership
  • Relationship
  • Business
  • Sales
  • Parenting
  • Workplace
  • Wellness
  • Creativity
  • Career


Every day I’m excited because I live in my passion. Of course, life guarantees challenges, hardships, and difficulties, but I know I will overcome anything with the coaches in my life.

I encourage you today to reach out and find a coach. I am where I am today because of the coaches in my life.

About the Author

Co-Founder and Executive Director of Your Thriving Family and Masquerade Ministries.

For over a decade, Tiffany Mitton has been on the frontline, empowering women and families.  She has become known for her never surrender commitment to assisting others to have the opportunity to thrive in the face of incredible odds.  Tiffany has become a trusted fixture in supporting women in Alberta to thrive.  She is a Certified Flourishing Life Coach, authority in Domestic Abuse Intervention and education, and a Licensed Minister.

Along with her husband, Roy Mitton, Tiffany, she is the heart of Masquerade Ministries.  Tiffany’s desire for others to flourish through her support and guidance and community and validation.  Masquerade Ministries and Your Thriving Family were founded in 2009.  These organizations are committed to creating thriving families, couples and individuals through healthy relationships. 

Tiffany facilitates the group coaching experiences: Free to Be Me, and Overcomers.  These are transformational communities that are focused on going beyond limiting beliefs, developing the skills and mindsets that create limitless possibilities to flourish. 

Tiffany has a unique approach that positively impacts those she helps.  Her skills, coupled with overcoming such life struggles as parental abandonment and intimate partner violence, make Tiffany invaluable. 

Tiffany’s life passion has been to defy the odds and flourish in some of the most seemingly hopeless of life situations.  Tiffany is eager to share his love and hope so you also can have a flourishing life of growth and transformation.  Tiffany is relied on for providing a solid platform to make sure no one ever feels alone or forgotten through challenging times.  Tiffany’s passion and insight are crucial components to the support brought to others to see them flourish.

Tiffany is excited about being a Facilitator for the Certified Flourishing Coaching™ Program because for Tiffany, flourishing is more than a tagline; it is the very fabric of how she lives her life.  Tiffany will facilitate the Certified Flourishing Coaching™ Program in Central Alberta.

Tiffany currently calls Red Deer, Alberta, his home and lives with Roy and their two children.

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